Technical reports

Projection des changements thermiques à venir dans les lacs du Québec et conséquences pour l’ichtyofaune. Bélanger C, Couture R-M. Contrat no 2021-1-SGHAPP-368 MELCCFP (2023), 81 p. HDL: 20.500.11794/140883

Impacts des changements climatiques sur les habitats thermiques du touladi (Salvelinus namaycush) et de l’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) dans les lacs du Nunavik : Nouvelles cartes générales pour six indicateurs. Bélanger C, Couture RM, St-Hilaire A, Gratton Y. MELCCFP (2022), 75 p. 

Cartographie des impacts des changements climatiques sur l’habitat des salmonidés dans les lacs nordiques du Québec. Bélanger C, Couture RM, Gratton Y, Chimi-Chiadjeu O, Logan T, Laurion I, St-Hilaire A, Rautio  A. Mapping the impact of climate change on salmonid habitats in the northern lakes of Québec, Ouranos, Final report (2017), 48 p. 

Impacts of climate changes on dissolved oxygen concentrations in Québec Province lakes. Bélanger C, Couture RM, Gratton Y, Laurion I, Logan T, Rautio M, St-Hilaire A. #R1752 (2017), INRS-ETE, Québec, Canada, viii + 48 p. ISBN:978-2-89146-886-2

Lake stratification and ice phenology: Modelling with MyLake. Couture, RM, Tominaga, K. In Obrador, B., Jones, I.D. and Jennings, E. (Eds.) NETLAKE toolbox for the analysis of high-frequency data from lakes. NETLAKE COST Action ES1201 (2016), p. 28–34. 

A synthesis of river basin case studies - Final Report. Ferreira T, Panagopoulos Y, Bloomfield J, Couture RM, Ormerod SJ, Navarro M, Lu S, Trolle D, Andersen HE and MARS Project Workpackage 4 Team. Deliverable D4.1, European FP7 Project: Managing Aquatic Ressources Under Multiple Stresses-MARS (2016), 625 p. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.31244.31369

Case study synthesis: Report on case studies from Northern river basins. Couture RM, Cremona F, Rankinen K, Gutiérrez-Cánovas C. Deliverable D4.3, European FP7 Project: Managing Aquatic Ressources Under Multiple Stresses-MARS (2015), 197 p. 

Mechanisms for metal nodule formation on sediment surfaces of limed lakes. Hindar A, Couture RM, Eriksen TE, Rognerud S. NIVA-Raport #SNO 6875 (2015), Norwegian Institute for Water Research/Miljødirektoratet, 39 p. HDL: 11250/301393

Design specifications for the SYMBIOSES Bayesian probability network. Moe JS, Couture RM. PETROMAKS Project SYMBIOSES (2014), 24 p.

Synthesis of work at Vansjø-Høbol catchment. Wright RF, Skarbøvik E, Holen S, Starrfelt J, Couture RM, Farkas C, Beckman M, Moe SJ, Engebretsen A, Tominaga K. Deliverable 7.18, European FP7 Project: Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European freshwater ecosystems-REFRESH (2014), 29 p.

Report on the catchment-scale modelling of the Vansjø-Høbol and Skuterud catchments, Norway. Part 1-Vansjø-Høbol. Couture RM, Tominaga K, Starrfelt J, Moe J, Kaste Ø and Wright R. Deliverable 5.4, European FP7 Project: Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European freshwater ecosystems-REFRESH (2013), 59 p.